Lib Dems get new law accepted to help millions of carers

The Carer's Leave Bill is a first step to providing greater support for carers. It will allow carers to take time off work to manage caring responsibilities.
The Bill will give an estimated 2.4 million carers across the UK a statutory right to take five days of unpaid leave per year, helping carers to better balance work and care.
The Bill was introduced by Liberal Democrat MP Wendy Chamberlain (see photo) last June and has now been steered through the House of Lords by Lib Dem Chris Fox from Windsor.
The Bill has now passed its final parliamentary stages.
Millions of people care for loved ones, doing everything from day-to-day physical caring, washing, dressing and feeding for those who cannot care for themselves, to things like shopping for a housebound elderly relative.
Yet far too many unpaid carers go without adequate support and struggle to balance caring responsibilities and work.
The Carer's Leave Bill has been described by the charity Carers UK as a 'landmark' piece of legislation.
Passing this Bill will be a really critical step forward for unpaid carers juggling work and care and it would benefit employers as well. "
Wendy Chamberlain MP said:
My Carer's Leave Bill is a first step to providing greater support. It will allow carers to take time off work to manage caring responsibilities. I hope that it will provide many people with the flexibility they need.
I am also confident that the law will have benefits for employers too. Many businesses already provide a version of Carer's Leave to their staff and report reduced recruitment costs, and improved retention and wellbeing."